In the initial SELECT statement, the level is fixed to1 and the name of manager Bauer is hardcoded in the WHERE clause, to predefine the starting point. 在起始SELECT语句中,级别固定为1,在WHERE子句中,会硬编码Bauer经理的姓名,以便预定义起始点。
The results returned by the initial SELECT statement are not considered. 而不会检查起始select的返回的结果。
The first part, the initial select statement, predefines the starting point ( e.g.the manager in an organization chart or the departure in a flight connection). 第一个部分,起始SELECT语句,预先定义了起始点(如组织图中的管理人员或航班中转里的起航)。
She found various minor grammatical problems ( which I must confess, I have fixed in the initial statement that you just read), but she found one serious flaw that I hadn't thought of. 她发现了各种各样小的语法性问题(我必须承认,你刚才所读的最初的陈述是我修订的),而且她发现了一个我没有意识到的严重缺陷。
The initial if statement adds the clause request. format. to_sym==: iphone. 初始的if语句将添加子句request.format.tosym==:iphone。
The result of the current iterative select statement is merged with the result of the initial select statement and all results returned by the previous iterations using a UNION ALL clause. 使用UNIONALL子句,可将当前的迭代SELECT语句的结果与初始SELECT语句的结果以及之前的迭代返回的所有结果合并在一起。
START WITH predicate defines the starting point and can be compared with the initial SELECT statement in a RCTE. STARTWITH谓词定义了起始点,可以与RCTE中的起始SELECT语句相比较。
In an initial statement, Tianhe reserved the right to take legal action for damages or other relief '. 在一份初步声明中,天合化工表示保留权利通过法律行动向该机构及/或有关的个人追讨损害赔偿或其他补偿。
The Geneva meeting on the situation in Ukraine agreed on initial concrete steps to de-escalate tensions and restore security for all citizens, said a joint statement. 这份联合声明表示:在关于乌克兰局势的日内瓦会议上,各方同意采取多项初步的具体步骤,以缓解紧张局势,让所有公民重获安全。
According to an initial investigation, a sudden loss of power caused the signal system to fail, forcing the trains to be operated manually, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Company said in a statement. 上海申通地铁集团公司在一次声明中称,根据初步排查,电力突然中断致使地铁运营信号系统失灵,导致不得不对列车实行人工调度。
He later expanded on his initial statement. 之后他又详细解释了他开始的发言。